Hebden Bridge Duck Race
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
To begin with, the weather was drab and there was a for Easter Monday's annual Duck Race organised by Rotary club of Hebden Bridge.
Photo: HebWeb
However, the weather improved and with that the crowds flocked to Hebden Bridge, we had record years for both the main Duck Race, selling all 10,000 tickets and also the Sponsored race for local businesses and organisations with 270 Ducks taking part.
The Rotary Club wish to thank, first of all to the public, who once again confirmed the Duck Race as a much loved family occasion on Easter Monday.
Photo: HebWeb
The winning ticket numbers for the Duck race are as follows:
1st 7013 - wins the Holiday
2nd 9182 - wins £300
3rd 6168 - wins £200
4th 2318 - wins £100
5th 3395 - wins £30
The winners of this year's Business Duck Race were:
Red - Waterside Gym (Winner of the City Break for 2)
Green - Mary Mahon Solicitors
Blue - Hebden Bridge Chiropractic
The Rotary Clubwish t othank all the businesses for their fantastic support this year.
Hebden Bridge Duck Race
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Easter Monday is the annual Duck Race where thousands descend upon our town to see hundreds of yellow plastic ducks wallow along the River Hebden Water. (Ducks dive into the water around 3.15pm.)
One of the great things about our annual duck race is the Schools competition for Decorated Ducks.
Schools from across our area compete by putting together ingenious Duck displays. These are displayed throughout the town, with the public voting for their favourite.
Voting is now open here. Closing date for voting is 6.00pm on Saturday 22nd April 2017.
Here are some of the entries:
Previous coverage of the Duck Race on the HebWeb.