Relaunch of the Calderdale Way
Sunday, 21 August 2016
The Calderdale Way, a 50 mile walk, circling Calderdale is nearly 40 years old and is ready for a re-launch. So far the route has been surveyed to identify repairs that are needed and it has been waymarked to make it easier for people to find their way.
Remedial works have started by CROWS and Calderdale Countryside Service and should be completed by Summer 2017
The Calderdale Way Association who developed the route in 1977 and produce the guide has not been very active for some years and so it is going to be relaunched. There are some exciting ideas in the wind, a blog and website, and the establishment of Friends who will keep an eye on small stretches of the route.
Richard Peters, one of the organisers told the HebWeb, "The meeting will need to deal with some admin stuff so the Association can continue to function, but we are hoping for a lively discussion to generate ideas for promoting and looking after the route in the future.
"We hope that all interested walkers will come and contribute their ideas.
If anyone is interested, but can't come on the 5th, they can contact us by emailing".