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Democracy Outside: A street performance of live democratic dialogue

Monday, 9 July 2012

When: Saturday 14 July, 2012, 2pm
Where: St George's Square, Hebden Bridge

Do you feel like 'democracy' has got stuck, trapped in institutions, separate from real people and daily life?

Do you get frustrated by the way that political debate just seems to be black and white, left vs right, I'm right and you're wrong? That no one's really listening to each other? That there's no room for movement?

Would you like to be part of setting democracy free – and making it fun?

Then join in with Democracy Outside in Hebden Bridge on 14 July!
Democracy Outside is a free interactive public performance about democracy, in which everyone takes part, and everyone gets a chance to speak if they want to.

It's part street theatre & part political action, both 'art' and 'activism'. It's magic - it makes apathy vanish! It's live art that brings democracy alive. And it will move you – literally!

How can you join in? Just by showing up! Everyone who comes along has a part to play. You don't have to speak – but if you want to have your say then you're definitely encouraged to.

Read more about it here.

Come and play politics!

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