Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Keep a close eye on your dog
Calderdale Council is urging people to keep a close eye on their dogs when walking them in parks and open spaces throughout Calderdale.
There are growing concerns about disturbance to wildlife caused by out of control dogs.
For example, in recent weeks a deer was tragically killed by a dog / dogs at or close to Wade Wood at Jerusalem Farm nature reserve, located near Booth Village, just north of Luddenden.
The deer had a large wound on its rear flank and puncture wounds on its neck, consistent with teeth marks.
Edward Ashman, Calderdale Council's Area Countryside Officer,
with the deer that was tragically killed
A recent Cabinet report pointed out that the Council receives more than 300 complaints a year about out of control dogs in the borough.
Calderdale Council's Cabinet Member for Communities, Cllr Mrs Pauline Nash, said:
"We appreciate that the majority of dog walkers keep their dogs under control.
"However, incidents like the recent attack on a deer at Jerusalem Farm highlight how the safety and enjoyment of Calderdale's open spaces can be jeopardised by dogs that are not kept under control.
"We are asking dog walkers to keep a close eye on their dogs whilst out walking them, to protect the wildlife, landscape and users of our parks and open spaces."
You can find out about Calderdale's parks and open spaces on the Council's website.
See also:
HebWeb Forum - You don't leave litter, why leave dog poo? (Jan-Feb 2012)