And how they changed Hebden Bridge
The Exhibition
How the Hippies Changed Hebden Bridge was an exhibition organised by the Hebden Bridge Local History Society. It aimed to show how those who moved into our area in the 1970s - the locals called them 'hippies' - led to vast changes and a cultural renaissance of Hebden Bridge.
The Exhibition ran from Monday, 6 March 2017 for 5 weeks at Hebden Bridge Town Hall.
Booklet with personal memories
- now 22 chapters. Updated 31 March 2017
- How the Hippies changed Hebden Bridge (PDF)
- How the Hippies changed Hebden Bridge (ePub - for iPhone and iPads. Kindle version soon)
Boards - pdfs
Map showing where the new settlers lived
ITV Calendar piece - just over 2 mins
See also:
Hebden Bridge in the late 70s and early 80s "Slicing through the Valley" is a HebWeb feature where Matt Hilton remembers his time living here, working on farms and for the fire service, selling linocuts, and mixing with poets, writers, artists and photographers. Read feature and see photos.
How the hippies shaped Hebden Bridge: Report of the talk given by Chris Ratcliffe and Jenny Slaughter to a packed meeting of the Hebden Bridge Local History Society, telling of communal living, revolutionary politics, alternative lifestyles and more. Read report (2 Nov)
Photo Gallery of over 150 photos, split into 16 galleries. Updated 4 May 2017.