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Roadworks in Mytholmroyd

From Adrian Crowther

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

The matrix signs approaching Mytholmroyd state that EA works are recommencing on January 15th and are "ongoing". 

Metro have posted on their website that this could be "up to 18 months"!

I'm assuming this will be the relocation of Caldene Bridge but I've done a bit of a browse and cannot find any detailed information as to what work is being undertaken and whether the works will be a continuous 18 months or over a number of phases.

Could anyone offer any links to details of the works?


Update: And there’s the answer!!

From Janet B

Monday, 15 January 2018

Well, this is the morning that the roadworks are due to start in Mytholmroyd.

Getting over Burnley Road to go for the bus to Halifax was a bit of a problem because both sets of traffic lights are covered up and out of action, no workmen are anywhere in sight to make sure the public can cross the road safely and the selfish car drivers won't stop to allow anyone over.

I am so looking forward to 18 months of this!

From David Thompson

Thursday, 18 January 2018

The flood amelioration works have now started...er. well they haven't actually. The long traffic delays experienced this week have been the result of traffic lights placed to allow a piece of earthmoving plant to be parked on Burnley Road opposite Aux Delices. As far as I can see it has never been moved! The three days of lengthy delays this week could have been avoided had someone had the sense to ask for permission to park it in the community centre car park until it was needed.

The lack of thought and consideration is staggering and does not auger well for the future. The centre of Mytholmroyd is complex as far as traffic is concerned. There are entrances/exits to New Road, Midgley Road, Caldene Avenue, the GP's car park, Dusty Miller car park and Sainsbury's Local car park.The idea that sticking two temporary traffic lights in the middle of it is adequate is utterly absurd. Someone with sound traffic management experience is needed to plan and implement a sensible and safe scheme. 

To date, pedestrians have been ignored completely, there are no safe places to cross and if you expect courtesy towards pedestrians from motor vehicle drivers think again! 

Proper provision for pedestrians is essential and it should be properly signed, so that it is clear where the safe crossing is. Lets hope that things improve.

From George Murphy

Friday, 26 January 2018

Someone needs to justify the misery and increased pollution caused by the 'temporary' traffic lights on Burnley Road. The effect on businesses, children's lungs and the safety and happiness of residents and commuters is massive. 

Has every attempt been made to park gear away from the main road until needed? Can there be some flexibility, so that lorries and equipment can be shifted when not in use?

Parking is available on two large, community owned spaces nearby. Added to the months of disruption caused by the necessary repairs to the road in 2016, these latest works mean a terrible blight on the valley till 2020.

We can all appreciate that the eventual reconstruction of the bridge will lead to hold ups, but in the meantime, please, give us a break!

From Adrian Crowther

Friday, 2 February 2018

Following my post I contacted the Council regarding the duration of the roadworks. They passed my enquiry to the EA who have today responded - I have quoted the relevant part of their response:

"The current traffic management along Burnley Road is in place for approximately two more weeks.  This is to carry out investigation work for the new drainage systems proposed for the Flood Alleviation Scheme.  There will then be a break before the main elements of the scheme continue around early April.  From this point, traffic management will be in place until completion of the scheme.

There will inevitably be some element of traffic disruption throughout the duration of the scheme and due to the proximity of the highway to the river, unfortunately this is unavoidable.  We are working closely with our partners at Calderdale Council to try and minimise the impact of our work and the inconvenience this can cause.

I hope that we have correctly interpreted your request.  Please see the Open Government Licence (here) for details of permitted use.

If you need any more information you can contact the team by emailing.