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Queue jumping outside the cinema

From David Kennedy

Sunday, 3 May 2015

To Jump the queue outside the cinema please follow the guidelines.

When you see someone in the queue who you know walk over to them and smile, greet them with small talk in a cheery but quiet manner. Don't look at the people behind them and only have eye contact with person you are greeting.

If you do this for a few minutes, making sure you throw in the occasional laugh at their witty conversation, nobody will know that you have pushed into the cue despite it going back as far as the traffic lights.

This behaviour is quite exceptable, as "everyone does it" even the polite middle classes.

If you are in the queue and see some one you know it is quite alright to reserve them a space in the queue so that they can just walk in said space but again, and I must emphasise this, just ignore the queue of people behind, again giving no eye contact because they will forget after a couple of minutes and as I said "everyone does it"

Some people who are second in to the queue do refuse politely and go to the back of the queue and so all credit to them.

What has happened to manners and courtesy?

Is this acceptable behaviour?

Do people not give any thought to others?

Are people not embarrassed by their inconsiderate actions?

Maybe we should all think about not doing this.

Whether it be joining someone in the queue or inviting them in. It doesn't matter what the excuse is, the person behind isn't realy that interested, just a little hacked off.

Rant over
David K

From Anthony Rae

Monday, 4 May 2015

In an attempt to restore David's faith in human nature and the good social order of the town, which has obviously been so sharply bruised by Queuegate: as I turned the corner from Hope Street at 4.59 (for the 5pm showing) only to find a very, very long queue, I saw from the other side of the road my sister, who also lives in Hebden Bridge, at a position not too far from the Picture House steps. I waved at her, and she waved at me; and then I continued on my way, crossed the road and joined the very back of the queue beyond the second bus stop.

It seemed highly unlikely that with so many people in front of me I would actually gain admittance, and it was raining, but I confess it never occurred to me to saunter forwards, exchange some pleasantries with her, and 'forget' to return to my place. I put this down to being a member of 'the polite middle classes'.

By 5.30 I was rewarded for this self-discipline by a seat in the cinema, which must tell us something or other.

From V Uttley

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

It's not a rant, David K but a valid point. I'm sure everyone already in the queue knew someone coming over to start queuing. If we all 'let in' one person we knew, it would defeat the whole point of a queue. I suspect the jumpers in would be the first to complain if the circumstances were reversed. Any road they know who they are and we do too. Manners maketh man and women. Next time maybe we could have tickets on sale.

From Jill Robinson

Thursday, 7 May 2015

I was in the middle of the queue when I saw someone I wanted to talk to, she was a little behind me and so I moved back to talk to her...the cinema staff were rushed off their feet, but delayed the start of the film in order to accommodate as many people as possible and there were actually a few seats spare in front of me, so I hope everyone who wanted to manged to get in, it was well worth seeing. I had not realised just how close Hebden Bridge had come to being totally demolished in accordance with a 'secret' plan by a local councillor in the 1960s. All credit to the Civic Trust members for saving the town.