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'the Hebden Bridge Thought Police'

From Anthony Rae

Saturday, 22 March 2014

One term new at least to me I noted in another thread elsewhere on this forum is: 'the Hebden Bridge Thought Police'. Mal Campbell says, I'm sure ironically, that 'we meet at 6pm every second Tuesday in Organic House.' No doubt it's been used before but its recent origins are interesting, because it's an adaptation of the words Bernard Ingham used in February 2013 – "Let's see if I can now set the self-appointed Thought Police of the Upper Calder Valley alight ...' quoted here – which then prompted the targets of that scorn to campaign against his tedious columns, thus (re)claiming the title proudly for themselves. Since then the 'Hebden Bridge Thought Police' have made regular appearances, frequently on this site, and a common feature of their agitation is that they're often trying to ban or stop some thing or activity . . . on whatever grounds.

Needless to say, each issue should be considered on its merits but at least we now have a public name for this grouping or tendency. Maybe - in a way either self-satisfied or ironic, but not at all sinister - they could have a lapel badge or HBTP armbands made and patrol about the town, inspecting things with an approving nod here or disapproving frown there, then reporting back to Hebweb with more revelations. By their public spirited actions we might stand a chance of becoming our own little Geneva; but not, of course, a laughing stock .

From Allen Keep

Saturday, 22 March 2014

I'm sure Anthony is trying to be amusing and I don't mind a bit of light hearted parody or even a bit of good natured caricature. Even petty point scoring bandwagoners like me have a sense of humour believe it or not - as Mal displayed.

What I do object to is the constant and narrow minded taunts made towards those who have "the nerve" to make a bit of public noise about what they see as unjust or are striving to combat prejudice. "Thought police" is one such regular and somewhat tedious slur and of course is Orwellian in itself as it portrays those who are often opposing oppression as totalitarian themselves.

I did used to have a badge - it said "politically correct and proud of it"- I wish I still had it. I might follow Anthony's advice and get myself an armband instead. I think I will have "do gooder" on it because just what is so wrong with that?

It's a shame Anthony appears to have joined in with this rather silly goading - maybe he would be better taking part in a debate and giving us all the benefit of his more usual methodical erudition.