Weatherspoons aquired Moyles?
Monday, 20 January 2014
I have been informed by a number of peopel that Weatherspoons have aquired Moyles Hotel on New Road, Hebden Bridge.
I've noticed some activity at the site of late but nothing to suggest that the pub chain have purchased the freehold.
Can anyone please confirm?
From Paul Clarke
Monday, 20 January 2014
Oh no.
Cue another round of outrage.
From Andy G
Monday, 20 January 2014
There have been persistent rumours since renovations began before Christmas that Wetherspoons have acquired Moyle's. My information, gleaned from adjacent property owners, is that Simon Moyle still owns the building and is having it renovated as a bar and bed & breakfast, without a restaurant. I may, of course be totally wrong, but from past experience of the way in which Wetherspoons operate, the refurbishment would have been quicker and far more comprehensive than that which is currently taking place. Also the floor area of Moyle's is far too small for a viable Whetherspoons' outlet.
From Mike B
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Wetherspoons are notorious at keeping their plans for new locations close to their chests, see the ongoing Morley speculation for starters, so I'd take any speculation with a pinch of salt. Although there are notable exceptions such as the recent acquisition of the Wharf location in Sowerby bridge (this had been rumoured for a while). As mentioned above, the floor-space is rather small for your typical Wetherspoons but then again they've managed to secure a location in West Vale of all places so I guess anythings possible.
From Jack Hughes
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Those with long memories may recall the furore a few years go when Harry Ramsden's fish-and-chips chain were rumoured to be acquiring the former Tourist Information Centre. (See Forum threads from 2004 and 2005 - Ed) Much outrage was expressed, and much hot air vented, before one enterprising individual actually contacted HR's head office and asked them - and as we know, it was an unfounded rumour. Sadly, it seems that credulous people will continue to gossip and manufacture synthetic outrage over spurious or false stories, maliciously or mischievously spread. Re. Wetherspoons, I personally regard the imminent opening of a branch of Ann Summers on Market Street as more of a threat to the town's image and integrity.
From Tim M
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Maybe they'll put in an offer for the Hole in the Wall?
From Mick Piggott
Friday, 7 February 2014
Look, I don't want to spark a fresh round of outrage, let alone vilification, but doesn't anyone agree with me, that it would be good to have a Wetherspoon's in Hebden Bridge?
From Pedro de Wit
Friday, 7 February 2014
Opening a shop is easy but keeping it open is an art. Especially in these times of online shopping I think it is recommendable that anyone takes the risk of opening a shop in the high street.
Weatherspoons is better than leaving a property empty and Ann Summers is better than yet another coffee shop in my opinion.
I don't know of any town that has its reputation tarnished by shops, but there are plenty of towns tarnished by not having any shops left.
From Jack Hughes
Saturday, 8 February 2014
To avoid confusion, I should maybe point out that the Ann Summers comment was a joke, perhaps insufficiently flagged as such...
From Gary W
Saturday, 8 February 2014
I totally agree Mick. I would love to see a Wetherspoons open in our town. The only pubs that would really suffer would be the tied houses, and that wouldn't concern me one bit, as tied pubs do not serve the best interests of drinkers/consumers with their artificially inflated prices and rents.
I am very impressed with the Wetherspoon Pubs in Todmorden and Sowerby Bridge. For those on a low income, it would mean that they could afford to buy 3 pints of good ale along with a decent filling meal for around £10 in total, or a reasonably healthy (ie grilled) cooked breakfast for £3.20. I also think it would bring more footfall into our Town, which would benefit other local businesses. Personally, i and many people i know, would love to see one open here!
From Stuart H
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
I agree with Gary W, a Wetherspoons would be good for Hebden Bridge and it might just wake Punch, EnterpriseIinns up a bit. People are not coming to this town to drink anymore because of the exorbitant prices charged by the tied pubs.
I know these pubs pay more for their beer but to charge £4.70 for a strong lager is disgusting, which planet are these licencees on? We hear it all the time (I've enjoyed my day out but won't be coming back, I can't afford to drink here) so let's hope Wetherspoons do acquire Moyles if not someone who will sell alcohol at prices we can all afford even if we lose a couple of pubs, the town will still win.
From Nina Smith
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Do we rally want to attract people into the town for the purpose of getting pissed cheaply?
From Andy M
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Or are we after a better class of drunken reveller?!
From Mo Norwood
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Not only cheap booze and food - but did you know you can get unlimited refills of filter coffee at the Percy Shaw Wetherspoons in Halifax for £1.30 eg. I am not employed or connected in any way - just sharing a tip... Has a good view too...
From Tim B
Friday, 21 February 2014
The rumour I heard was that Moyles was too small for Wetherspoons to take on. They look for a minimum size of property. So that probably rules out Hole In The Wall too.
From Andy M
Friday, 21 February 2014
Oh no . . . well fed lower-wage people running around with a caffeine high . . . .run for the hills . . . oh, we're already there.
From Jack Hughes
Saturday, 22 February 2014
The rumour I heard was that the premises have been sold to UKIP for their new Northern HQ, with a lap-dancing club, vivisection lab and drive-through Burger King attached. There again, it may be just a rumour.
From Sue N
Thursday, 1 May 2014
I recently saw an electrician I know who is working on the refurbishment at Moyles having a fag break outside, so asked him what was happening to the building.
He said half is being converted into apartments & the other half into a bar. I just asked and assume I've been told the truth.
No mention of Wetherspoons....
From John G
Friday, 2 May 2014
Moyles has been bought by the same people who own the Old Gate.
From David Sidwall
Friday, 16 May 2014
I was sitting in The Old Gate and overheard a conversation that Moyles is going to be turned into a 2 storey Primark store? I s this true? I do hope not as it will tarnish Hebden Bridge's unique, quirky and organic vibe. Does anyone know the facts about the Moyles renovation? Cheers fellow Hebdeners!
From Paul Clarke
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Well done to David Sidwell for passing on the most bizarre - but funniest ever - Hebden Bridge rumour.
From Ron Taylor
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Paul - funny rumour, yes. But possibly not the funniest. In the 1980s there was a rumour which culminated in the famous Hebden Bridge Times' headline - "Pope not to visit Hebden Bridge."