Eastwood recycling centre closure
From Graham Barker
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
What on earth are Calderdale playing at by not providing alternative disposal options while Eastwood is shut? It’s impossible to believe nothing can be done. What’s certain is that without an alternative, fly-tipping will increase enormously. Four months (assuming the project doesn’t overrun) is too long to go without an Eastwood equivalent, and it’s neither reasonable nor environmentally friendly to expect people to use Sowerby Bridge or Dean Clough.
If any councillors or visiting MPs are reading this, please kick a few of Calderdale’s more complacent senior officers up the backside and make them do something about it.
From Kez Armitage
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Graham is absolutely right. What are our Councillors doing about this (and yes, we know most of you read Hebweb!)? The list of excuses given by the Council are just that - excuses. Where there's a will, there most certainly is a way. Why not use the derelict site next to Todmorden Health Centre? Why not provide skips in a limited part of the Eastwood site? (OK this might mean less sorting and recycling, but it's better than the alternative). It is too easy and too effete to come up with a list of excuses, and do nothing as a result.
The alternative, as Graham points out, is that people will simply tip wherever they can. It will ultimately cost the Council far more in terms of cleaning up after the fly tippers, than arranging an alternative site to Eastwood for the four months of its closure.
From Colin C
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Having forgotten about the closure I pitched up with my recycling yesterday. The gates were firmly locked and the only sign of life was a chap in a high vis tabbard who was sat by the entrance turning people away. We had a brief conversation.
'Sorry mate it's shut'
'Oh. Is there any other local provision then?'
'No. Sorry.'
'What do you suggest?'
'I can give you a map to Sowerby Bridge...'
And that was it. I put my tail between my legs and took my rubbish back home.
See also
HebWeb News: Eastwood Recycling Centre to close on 28 August
(14 August 2013)