Does Hebden disable you?
From Susan Quick
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
"What d'you mean, nothing wrong with me? "
"What about when the pavement runs out as you're walking to the station?
"Just cross the road of course."
"The junction with all the traffic going to Keighley road not a problem?"
"Built a new path across the park to reach the station didn't they?"
"If you're already past the cinema?"
"Yeah, you got a point."
Hebden Bridge Partnership is listing problems. Our goal is to get things changed so moving around Hebden is hassle free. Please let us know what changes you would make.
Susan Quick, Disability rep, Hebden Bridge Partnership
From Dave R
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Susan a few comments:
Firstly, I don't think Hebden Bridge is very disabled friendly, which can in some part be due to the historic buildings where access is either up or down steps.
I do however think that there is a lack of disability awareness in the town. Take for example the debate over the bollards and signage. People won't accept that A boards are obstacles.
The lack of a pavement near to the station is a safety issue for all not just the less able.
The parking along that road from the entrance to Walkleys is very dangerous. Many cars park on the pavement so that wheelchairs and prams cannot get through.
I spoke to a lady who said she reported this to the police but they said it wasn't an issue for them.
Another issue that has just arisen, and one that your group may wish to consult with Metro on, is the proposal to use smaller and less accessible buses on the minibus routes. Does this mean that all those with less mobility and/or prams have to stay up in the hills?
This lack of consideration for disabled people is becoming more and more common. Are those with disabilities expected to sink back into the underclass and just stay home?
From Myra James
Thursday, 1 August 2013
I would like to endorse Dave's remark about the Metro consultation on proposals for the minibus network (see other thread). The proposal contains this extraordinary statement: "the use of smaller buses will mean less room for shopping, buggies etc. Also some passengers may find it harder to get into and out of a smaller minibus." I have responded to the survey saying that accessibility is an absolute priority.