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Action Plan

From Paul Clarke

Sunday, 27 January 2013

I'm sure we should be grateful the 'great and good' are creating an action plan for our town but surely we should have been consulted before they produced a draft?

Even hopeless Calderdale Council pretend to consult on their 'caring cuts' documents before pushing through draconian cuts anyway.

One can only hope the Action Plan draft isn't as bad as the joke one produced for the cinema a couple of years ago. That document was quite the worst example of a consultation document I've ever seen.

From Anne Handley

Sunday, 27 January 2013

How can Hebden Bridge be a better place to live? Fewer negative attitudes and less flooding - then it will be a great place to live!

From Dai Hallgarth

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Paul, I've just taken another look at the draft action plan from 2005. As reported on Hebweb, the Partnership hopes that its new draft Action Plan will "promote widespread discussion and debate", exactly as it did on the previous occasion. What's not to like about the diverse and positive achievements which have resulted from the group bothering to take time to do something about the way in which our town may develop (including the Picture House transfer)? We are not excluded from making our contribution when the plan is put forward for wider public discussion in order to be "revised in the light of comments received".

See also:

HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Partnership looks ahead to 2020