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Re-cycling CDs and DVDs

From Elaine Simpson

Friday, 16 November 2012

Is there a way to do this locally?

I've got a huge number of them - not music or film but information provided by tourism operators, that is now out of date.

So they're not saleable on ebay, or anywhere else, and not even give-awayable; but it goes against the grain to trash them and have them end up in landfill.

Looking online I've found companies that do recycle but they all seem to be down South or require enormous quantities.

Does anyone have a solution?

From D Johnson

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Try offering them to local allotment holders, they hang them up and the reflection of light keeps birds off their seeds/crops.

From Isla S

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

You can get the kids to draw on them with permanent markers and use them as coasters.