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Save The Railway

From Bob Deacon

Friday, 17 August 2012

Can we open a Save The Railway? Has anybody taken the sensible initiative of seeing if enough persons can collaborate to buy the pub in the same was as the Dusty Miller?

Would the Calderdale flood relief fund provisionally allocate funds to any prospective puchaser planning a "cooperative buy-out" to pay for the flood damage repair?

Is the local support for the Fox and Goose (of which I am a friend) getting in the way of this idea? Enlightenment please? Perhaps I have missed something.

From Andrew B

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Hi Bob,

The Railway has been sold and is expected to re-open in 6-8 weeks.

Whilst there are many rumours about who the buyer is, this has not been announced publicly and probably won't be as it's irrelevant. Keith and Sharon, along with their daughter Shelly, have confirmed that they will continue to run the pub and all staff will remain. They have said on their Facebook page that they thank everyone for their support and are glad to be staying.
