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Meeting new people

From Mark Marsha

Monday, 5 September 2011

How do you go about making new friends in their thirties or forties in the Hebden Bridge area? And I don't mean getting hammered at the weekend or going for long walks on a Sunday!

From Phil M

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Hiya Mark, depends on your interests I guess. I would start with having a read of the A3 Whats on guide that comes out every month, this lists lots of activities, volunteer groups and general stuff happening. This websites not too shoddy either and is a good place to start..

Also, the wonderful Trades Club has lots of stuff happening and a good membership of people from the area.

Just a few ideas to start the ball rolling, sure theres loads of others..

From Rev Tony Buglass

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

I agree that the Trades Club is a good place to be. I would also recommend Calder Valley Voices, the local community choir. Great fun, singing a wide variety of music, and it doesn't matter whether or not you've ever thought of yourself as a singer: we include the whole range of talent and ability, from hose who are good musicians and singers, through those who can more or less follow the dots (or not) but hold a note, to those who don't so much hit the notes as surround them and frighten them into submission. The website is here - we start again this Thursday evening. Can't wait!

From Andrew B

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Hi Mark,

Do you enjoy any sports? Hebden Bridge has numerous amateur football teams, cricket teams, a pool league, darts league, snooker league, bowls leagues.

It really depends on you as a person, and just because a lot of local sport is run from local pubs who sponsor the teams it doesn't mean you would have to get hammered!

From Paul Clarke

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Tony Bluglass is typically modest when he neglects to mention his own Methodist church is another good place to meet like minded people if god is your thing.

From Jack Hughes

Friday, 9 September 2011

If Mark is musically inclined, there are a number of open mic and jam nights operating that he might like to check out, either as performer or audient - the Stubbing Wharf, b@r place and Nelson's wine bar spring to mind, I'm sure there are others. I have to say that I love the typo in the previous post - conjures up images of the Reverend Bluglass knockin' everyone dead with his banjo playing!

From Jez T

Saturday, 10 September 2011

I used to live in a place that was damn hard to meet folk, and it was all to cliquey. Not so in Hebden which I find to be one of the friendlist towns I've come across. Personally I would reccomend the Cricket club, get in touch with the Chair who is a great chap and welcomes new blood regardless of talent (I should know I cant play for toffee!). If you're a young dad then get on down any toddler group or the friends of the train park always need a hand - look on the notice board. Chess is played at the Trades I believe, there is an astronomy group and an local Amnesty group too. If eco stuff is your thing volunteer at the ATC on the Canal, or Transition town activities. Loads of stuff see, with folk just waiting to get to know you I'm sure. Your'll probably see me at any number of them to. Hope to meet you some time. Jez

From Rev Tony Buglass

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Guitar, possibly, but banjo? To adapt an old one: what's the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the banjo, and doesn't.

I always wanted to write the "Jesus doesn't want me for a sunbeam blues"... There's still time, I suppose!


From Mark Marsha

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Thanks for the suggests guys. Keep them coming.

From Mark Marsha

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Hi guys, still looking for suggestions into making new friends in the area. I've met some lovely people in the Fox & Goose, but looking to expand further. People who are around during the day would be great, as I'm unemployed at the moment (though still looking for work with no luck!). Thanks

From Cathy O'Connor

Monday, 5 December 2011

I'm in the same boat and would really like to meet a group of people who perhaps go out regularly to the Trades or other local haunts and I could come and meet up sometimes? I'm very interested in the arts and crafts scene and it would be great to have a few people to go to exhibitions with that sort of thing. Or regular fleamarket friends would be great too!

