Sunday, 4 July
Going the Distance: Novel Writing
Workshops with Anna Chilvers
Hebden Bridge Library,
Cheetham Street, Hebden
This event is supported
by Calderdale Libraries.
Getting Going: 10am to 12.30pm
Keeping Going: 2pm to 4.30pm
£10 per workshop or £17 for both.
booking essential.
Getting Going: So you want to write a novel.
Maybe you have an idea of what it will be
about, or maybe you don’t. How do you begin?
How do you move from a starting point into the
unknown? Come along for inspiration and
encouragement. Don’t forget your pen.
Keeping Going: Keeping the enthusiasm
going for 5000 words isn’t too hard – but
80000? How do you keep the interest up
– your own and the readers’? How
do you keep those subplots from
getting tangled and taking over?
This workshop will suggest some ways of keeping the momentum going, organising
your storylines and keeping your characters in order.
Anna Chilvers’ first novel Falling Through Clouds was
published this year by Bluemoose Books. She is also
an events organiser, marathon runner and mother of
three children.
Lunchtime Concert: Miriam Roycroft
Heptonstall Church
1pm to 2pm approx
£6 (£4) £1 for under 26s
Miriam Roycroft: cello
Anne-Marie Hastings: piano
Schumann: 5 St¸cke im Volkston, for cello and piano
Op 102
Barber: Sonata Op 6
Chopin: Introduction et Polonaise Brillante Op 3
Miriam Roycroft is currently principal cello with
Camerata Ireland and plays on a modern cello by
Grubaugh and Seifert which she commissioned in
Anne-Marie Hastings is much in demand as a soloist
and as a chamber musician, performing extensively
at the Bridgewater and Wigmore Halls, the South
Bank and at numerous British Festivals.
500 Voices
Bridgegate, Hebden Bridge
Supported by Calderdale Council
Spend an hour or so listening to songs in harmony
and unison to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the
packhorse bridge. Local choirs including Calder
Valley Voices will sing a specially commissioned piece
by Daniel Bath and charm you with songs from their
own repertoire. Come and join in - be one of the 500
Voices! Visit for more info.
The Piano Club
Heptonstall Church
4pm to 6pm
£6 (£4) £1 under 26s
A gentle and relaxing way to spend a Sunday
afternoon. This talented group of pianists based at
Halifax’s Square Chapel will present a varied and
interesting programme featuring French music of the
19th and 20th century and much else besides. Tea,
cake and biscuits will be on sale – go on, treat
Rosie Lugosi’s Festival Poetry Slam
Nelson’s, Crown Street, Hebden Bridge
8pm to 10pm approx
Rosie Lugosi, Vampire Queen, has been tantalising
audiences with her unique blend of poetry, humour,
and song for ten years. A mistress of musical
mayhem and one of the UK's most in-demand
comperes, Rosie will give a short performance before
hosting this year’s Festival Poetry Slam. Don’t miss
your chance to impress a notoriously hard to please
taskmistress, as well as win the acclaim of Hebden’s
performance poetry crowd.
‘Hugely entertaining, tough-talking … a celebration of
female sexuality, of power and liberation.’
(Carol Ann Duffy)
My Sweet Patootie
Trades Club, Holme Street, Hebden Bridge
9pm to 11pm
£9 (£7)

M.S.P. are the “li’l big band” that’s busy ripping up
the pea-patch with their very own strain of hayseed
jazz. Armed with fiddle, finger-style guitar and two
voices, it’s an old-fashioned shotgun wedding of
cool, uptown swing and rural Ontario grit.
erry Young (guitar & vocals) and Sandra Swannell
(fiddle & vocals) were mainstays of Canadian folkroots
group Tanglefoot who appeared at the Festival
in 2009 as part of its farewell tour. Since then Terry
and Sandra have re-emerged as My Sweet Patootie
with a desire to produce fun music with immaculate
but exciting playing. While their new sound is a
complete departure from Tanglefoot, M.S.P. deliver a
stage show packed with the same amount of energy,
charm, wit and humour.
‘A world of string wizardry’ (Mark S. Tucker, FAME)