Saturday, 10 July
Kidsfest - The Sun, the Moon and
the Stars
Organised by Hebden Royd Town Council
Holme Street Arts Centre, Hebden Bridge
12 noon to 4pm

A drop-in event for 4 - 11 year olds and their families.
Arts and crafts workshops, plus the chance to join
Lefty the Sock in his heroic search when his partner
and “sole” mate suddenly disappears. Don’t miss
Thingumajig Theatre’s whimsical and captivating
"sock-puppet" show at 2pm.
Lucy May Schofield Simple Book Making Techniques
The Elfin Room, St Michael’s Church Hall,
2pm to 4pm
Come along and make some
experimental book
structures with the Festival’s
Artist in Residence. During
this workshop, you will learn
about simple book binding
techniques, tools and
equipment and the qualities
of paper. You will have the
chance to handle a unique
collection of artists' books
that illustrate the structures
we create.
Suitable for anyone and
everyone, but places are limited, so please book early.
Millegro York Contemporary Choir
Wainsgate Chapel
3pm to 5pm
£8 (£6) £2 under 26s

Established in 2009, Millegro have already become a
major force on York’s cultural scene. Combining
classics, jazz, world music and soul, this innovative
60-strong choir brings a choral celebration dedicated
to the diverse and the unexpected!
Alongside pieces by Astor Piazzolla and Bernstein, Millegro’s performance features inspirational music
by living composers from Cuba and The Philippines.
They also include some unique arrangements of
songs from the extensive canon of pop music, and
successfully balance this modernity with more
traditional songs from England, Spain and Russia.
Directed by Ewa Salecka and featuring pianist Greg
Birch and Ann Ferguson on flute, Millegro is
guaranteed to entertain and inspire in equal
Hebden Shorts
Little Theatre, Holme Street, Hebden Bridge
7.30pm to 9.30pm
First Night Special - Pay What You Want
Six successful writers based in Hebden Bridge
experiment with writing short plays for the theatre.
Fantastically varied in tone, style and subject matter
these pieces pack more wit, drama, and energy into
fifteen minutes than most full-length West End pieces
can manage. Featuring a full professional cast –
including some very famous faces – Hebden Shorts shows the surprising things that can happen when
novelists, TV writers and radio dramatists get the
chance to work with live performance.
Hebden Shorts will also be performed on Thursday 8 July is Pay What You Want and tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis on the door on the night. Doors will open at 7pm.
Tickets £10 (£8)

Mundo Jazz
Trades Club, Holme Street, Hebden Bridge
9.30pm to 11.30pm
£10 (£8)

What can one say about a band whose songs convey
the dangers of environmental degradation, the
importance of racial harmony and the inherent evils
of capitalism with subtlety and intelligence? One
can say they are called Neil Young and Crazy
Horse. Mundo Jazz, however, preach peace,
love and understanding with all the subtlety of
a brick hitting butter, through their ridiculously
catchy songs, awful dancing and thunderously
crass philosophising.
A beautifully subtle satire on the likes of Bono and
Bob Geldof, Mundo Jazz are also superb musical
and comic improvisers, frequently creating songs
on the spot and veering off into chaos. Worried
about your carbon footprint? Don’t bother - you
can buy one of theirs after the show…
‘Fabulous’ (Suzanne Vega)
Hotfoot from Glastonbury where they regularly headline the ‘Blazing Saddles’ Stage, Mundo Jazz are the world’s only Comedy World-Music band, and preach peace, love and understanding with all the subtlety of a brick hitting butter. Superb musical and comic improvisers with ridiculously catchy songs, awful dancing and thunderously crass philosophising.
"A sort of live, Latino Spinal Tap. Very, very, very funny." Daily Express
"...combine genuinely thrilling harmonies and killer songs with side-splitting gags. Their solution to Third World debt is the best joke I've ever heard. Period." The Times. "Ludicrously brave and truly unique. Kill for a ticket (but not with guns)!" The Scotsman.