News, Features and Upcoming Events
Telegraph Walk of the Week: Hardcastle Crags, "where there are riverside views, tumbling streams, woods ? and plenty of wildlife". See also: HebWeb feature on Gibson Mill - 22 Sept
Shed Your Tears and Walk Away showing on Wednesday, 22nd September at the Picture House followed by a question and answer forum, featuring a panel which includes Jez Lewis, the director. Previous Hebweb coverage of this film
'Little heaps' of free compost available this Saturday at Calder Holmes and elsewhere. Read more 21 Sept
The University of the Third Age gets its boots on. Read more about the group and its activities. 20 Sept
Swimming pool Views and opinions sought on latest plans (above) for a swimming pool in our area. See also: forum thread 15 Sept
recent ads include: Room to Let; Sideboard; Lost dog; Pottery Group; Telesales job; Classic Saab for sale; PC repair; Houses offered, and looked for; Personal Trainer, apartment in Budapest, NCT classes, piano lessons - 22 Sept
Re-opening of Memorial Gardens - Mytholmroyd Net report - with videos.
Forum contributors talk about whether Calder Holmes is frightening, the 20 mph speed limit, Town Hall plans as a 'carbuncle', dialect words and more.
Above: Large crowds for Blackshaw Head Fete, which had fine weather for once - More photos
Neighbourhood Manager/ Deputy Clerk - Hebden Royd Town Council is looking to recruit a proactive individual to develop, establish and provide leadership on regeneration and community projects within the parish. Read more
GINNELGATE - Birchcliffe footpath blocked. Residents on Birchcliffe, Bankside and St. Johns Close have come together to campaign for the re-opening of the shortcut which runs between Birchcliffe Road and the Stubbing Footpath via St. Johns Close. Read more
A new gardening group in Old Town - meeting on the third monday of every month at the Hare and Hounds. Read more
27 'dwellings' at Mayroyd: planning permission refused - reasons include, land is designated open space, problems of additional traffic and site is at risk from flooding. See Planning Watch for more info

Our feature on local character Billy Holt has been updated to include the personal memories of Dutch teacher Frans van Schaik - Read more - 16 August
Buskers in Hebden Bridge: what do you think? See this forum thread -
Hebweb upgrade - read about the update to this site, and how it would not have been possible without Ariadne
Police And Community Report - details of crimes and concerns around Hebden Bridge, including anti-social behaviour and police priorities. Read more
Popular Hebden Bridge musician, Steve Tilston has revealed the contents of a letter John Lennon sent him, giving advice, in 1971 but which he didn't actually receive for another 34 years. See this BBC news page
Five hundred words about Hebden Bridge - see latest entry from Lynn Breeze: Seedy river had fun, along with a YouTube video of Jason Elliott interviewing project's sponsor.
Community Funds available from Hebden Royd. Groups from Hebden Royd (roughly most of Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and Cragg Vale) can apply for funds from the community funding committee. Read more
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge is now complete. See web gallery of all 500 faces
Below: 500 VOICES - choirs from our region gathered around the bridge today to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Packhorse Bridge. The rain held of most of the time but arrived on cue for Calder Valley Voices' Singing in the Rain. The event ended with a new song by Daniel Bath: Crossing the River. More photos
CLONE TOWN BRITAIN has Hebden Bridge as one of the most distinctive towns in the UK. Read more - 20 Sept
GINNELGATE DIRECT ACTION - This morning, Saturday 18 September at 10.30 am residents of St John's Close and their visitors took direct action and 'scaled the wall' which has been built across the pathway through the close on to Bankside footpath. More info and background- 18 Sept
Wainsgate Concert - Wainsgate Chapel’s 2010 series of concerts continues on Sunday September 26th with a performance by local stars Due Voci. Read more
JAZZ CLUB - Hebden Bridge?s HX7 Jazz club presents a unique opportunity to hear one of the great jazz legends of the 60s and 70s, when saxophonist John Tchicai?s Trio visits on 30 September. Read more
Calderdale is ready for "the worst winter can throw at it"- Calderdale Council says it is already prepared for the worst the winter can throw at it and this year will have a total of 17,000 tonnes of salt. Read more - 14 Sept
Local History Society - Autumn and Winter events now online: see "What's on". 13 Sept

Miss Rusty Employment Tribunal hearing is set for 11-14 January in Leeds. See new Hebweb Feature which attempts to bring together the story behind the sackings of her and Steve Cann from Calder High - 10 Sept
Telesales vacancy in Hebden Bridge - see Small Ads for more details
Book News - Top ten bestsellers for August, and all the latest news from our independent Hebden Bridge bookshop. Read more - 3 Sept
Help relieve Pakistan's suffering. More than 20 million people have lost their homes and livelihoods in the floods which have been sweeping through Pakistan. Make your donation at Hebden Bridge and other libraries. Read more - 2 Sept
Boxing to get fit - with Caron May

Ian Coates in the Ukraine, still riding round the world on his Honda - "I told my wife I was going for 4 months in 1999 and I am still riding". See HebWeb Feature for latest.
It's Only Words - Creative Writing at the Library, led by Stephen May. See news and "What's on" -
SKATE PARK IMPROVEMENT LATEST - Calderdale councillors have agreed to a proposal which means that Hebden Royd Council will be able to go ahead with a bid to fund an extension of the skate park in Calder Holmes Park, Hebden Bridge. Read more

Cross-country donkey gives up at Hebden Bridge. Brothers Mike and Tom Baxter abandoned their attempt to trek across Britain with a donkey... when the beast refused to go on! - Read more
Local Blogs section - now updated
Hebden Bridge Trio to Scale Kilimanjaro to give African school kids a 'second chance'. The team hopes to scale the mountain in six days raising £3000 for their charity – enough to set up and fund an entire school for a year. Read more - 29 July

Town Hall Development Plans and photos go to Calderdale - Detailed plans have been given to Calderdale’s planning department. More info
and launch of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival 2010.
See photos
Read News Report
Miss Rusty talks to the Yorkshire Post one year on. Read article and see HebWeb coverage of her and Steve Cann's unfair treatment by Calder High School.
Shed your Tears and Walk Away - reviews in the national press. See 6 reviews of this film about Hebden Bridge. Hebden Bridge is a "madhouse fuelled by drink and drugs" … is a haven for achingly trendy bohemians. Read the full reviews from the Telegraph, Guardian, Mirror and Financial Times -
More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2008
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites List - by category - by name - listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area