Film Society screening of “Take my Eyes” marks start of month long White Ribbon Campaign |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 White Ribbon Campaign: On Thursday 26th October Hebden Bridge Picture House will show a Film Society screening of "Take my Eyes". This marks the beginning of a month-long run-up to the principal Campaigning Day - 25th November - for White Ribbon Campaign UK. The Picture House will also host a diplay and literature distribution for White Ribbon Campaign where patrons will be able to learn more and to make their own pledges. The Campaign is also working to establish itself as a registered charity and would welcome new volunteers to help to take this task forward. People with expertise in and around the whole area of domestic violence and/or research would be particularly welcome. “The White Ribbon is a symbol of hope for a world where women and girls can live free from the fear of violence. Wearing the ribbon is about challenging the acceptability of violence – by getting men involved, helping women to break the silence, and encouraging everyone to come together to build a better world for all. Men can help create a culture where the behaviour of a minority, who treat women and girls with contempt or violence, becomes unacceptable.”
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