Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf
Performed by Toby Hadoke
Little Theatre, Holme Street, Hebden Bridge
7.45pm to 9.05pm approx
£10 (£8)
Get out from behind that sofa and get aboard awardwinning
comedian Toby Hadoke’s Tardis on a trip
through time, charting the rise, fall and subsequent rise
of a television legend. A swift, personal, satirical and
razor-sharp comic odyssey from child to man, through
obsession, joy and disappointment.
A must-see show for anyone who’s ever had a passion
for anything. Intimate knowledge of Doctor Who
not required, though a disdain for The Daily Mail,
George Galloway, BNP, football hooligans
and Hollyoaks would be useful.
Suitable for 12 +
The Eduardo Niebla Experience
Trades Club, Holme Street, Hebden Bridge
9.30pm to 11.30pm approx
£10 (£8)

Eduardo Niebla: Spanish guitar &
Carl Herring: guitar
Bhupinder Singh Chaggar: tabla
Hailed as one of the world’s great guitarists,
Eduardo Niebla takes to the stage with his
internationally acclaimed trio to present a
dazzling repertoire of stunning flamenco jazz.
Continually seeking out new musical terrain, Niebla
has traversed the worlds of pop, jazz and world
music, collaborating with such diverse partners as
sitar maestro Nishat Khan, George Michael, Lol
Coxhill and Craig David. Don’t miss this spellbinding
evening of passion, verve and fleet-fingered virtuosity
from one of the most potent forces in flamenco jazz
‘Poignantly poetic... and truly breathtaking.’
(Scotsman) |