Above: "owner's agent" to the right
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Between 10 and 11am this morning, Calderdale MBC officials met with the owner's agent. Later, local residents engaged them in conversation. Here are some of the points:
- The 'agent' refused to give his name, or say who he worked for.
- Keith Grady, the Calderdale Tree Officer, confirmed that the trees felled on Friday, 13th February were covered by the TPO. An offence had been committed.
- The 'agent' denied that he or the people he was working for had anything to do with the felling.
- The 'agent' scoffed at the idea of there being bats roosting in the trees.
- The 'agent' said it would not be in anybody's interest to fell the trees at this stage.

The "owner's agent" |