Glastonbury favourites 3 Daft Mondays swing into the Trades
Monday, 1 June 2009
Glastonbury favourites 3 Daft Monkeys make a welcome return to the Trades on Friday June 5th with a high-octane live show that has won them two spots at the world’s most famous festival.

The Trades has supported 3 Daft Monkeys throughout their career as they developed into one of the most popular acts on the festival circuit culminating in appearances on both the Glade and Avalon stages at this year’s Glastonbury.
Their live show combines rousing vocals, through-provoking lyrics, frenetic fiddling, dancing bass and foot drum with elements of Celtic folk, gypsy, Balkan, punk and reggae thrown into the mix.
The weekend kicks off with the monthly quiz on Thursday June 3rd hosted by Dave Boardman who was recently described as being a bit of a Jeremy Paxman but he prefers to think of himself of as a cuddly Dale Winton type who’s lovely to all the contestants.
Saturday June 6th sees a one-off summer special from the Cabaret Heaven team featuring tree impressionist Rory Motion who is also a singer-songwriter, comedian and poet. His innovative and laid back quirky style has won him many fans on the national comedy circuit making him a perfect fit for Cabaret Heaven.
Support comes from bizarre musical genius Paul Weatherhead and the surreal physical comic Maynard Flipflap. Hosts Bernard and Peggy have also managed to lure legendary Hebden Bridge’s greatest Elvis tribute act Virgil Presley out of retirement who is doing a Blues Brothers and putting the band back together just for us.
“The 3 Daft Moneys are a band we are proud to have supported for a long time so we’re thrilled they are warming up for their Glastonbury shows at the Trades and we are expecting this one to sell out early,” Trades Club Spokesperson Paul Clarke told the Hebden Bridge Web.
“Cabaret Heaven usually take the summer off but when a top class comic like Rory Motion had a free date they decided to put on a summer special.
“I think many people thought we’d seen the last of Virgil Presley but he’s come out of retirement for a special one off performance which is certain to be fantastic fun and hugely entertaining.”
Tickets for the quiz (£4), 3 Daft Monkeys (£9) and Cabaret Heaven (£10) are available from 01422845265
Listen now
3 Daft Monkeys
Rory Motion
Previously on Hebweb
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