At the Little Theatre

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Parts of England with parish or town councils hold a meeting at least once a year to give electors the opportunity to raise issues of importance to them, to discuss these issues and vote on them without the need for politicians.  In other words, people can decide for themselves.

In Hebden Royd the Annual Town Meeting, the meeting for electors, will be held on 13th May 2009 at The Little Theatre, Hebden Bridge at 7:30 pm.

The Agenda consists of;

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Notice of Meeting
  3. Minutes of Annual Town Meeting – 7th May 2008
  4. Statement of Accounts of the Hebden Royd Town Council for the year ended 31st March 2009
  5. Any other Town Business, whether raised by an elector or otherwise.

The first four items are normally disposed of quite quickly but Item 5 can be anything that an elector wishes to discuss and the issue can be voted on, not just by councillors but by any elector of Hebden Royd.  The subject can be anything an elector wishes to raise because they feel it is important.

Last year topics raised included provision of allotments, Council owned land on Station Road, use of off-road vehicles near Mount Skip, disability issues and road layout on King Street and treatment of trees on islands in Hebden Water near the bridge.  The meeting will hear what has been achieved in the last twelve months.

Clerk to Hebden Royd Town Council, David Dempsey told the Hebden Bridge Web, “I find it quite curious that people will spend time writing to newspapers and websites to discuss matters which affect them, often critical of politicians and the decisions they make, but are absent when presented with an opportunity to actually do something”.

If you want to complain about something but achieve nothing, stop at home.  If you want your voice to be heard, convince others of the importance of your view, then come to the meeting and speak.

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