Memorial Gardens to close for improvements Saturday, 14 November 2009 New walkways, additional seating bays, new flower beds and a refurbished Memorial Plaque are just a few of the improvements planned for the Memorial Gardens this winter. Initially the redundant rockery will be removed and the paths realigned with work starting on Monday 23rd November the gardens will be closed to pedestrians. 'We are hoping to keep disruption to a minimum but with heavy plant working in the gardens we have no choice but to close it for one week' said Mick Harrop, Upper Valley Parks Manager CMBC. With funding from CMBC, Hebden Royd Town Council, Pennine Leader and the War Memorial Trust these improvements result from the consultation completed by the Friends of Calder Holmes Park in early 2009. With no access we'd like to advise an alternative route alternative route of Holme St for access to the park and the train station or indeed Station Rd for access to the station. The route through the gardens will be opened as soon as the heavy machinery has completed work in the gardens.