Appeal in respect of the site at Garden Street/Tanpits, Hebden Bridge, Calderdale

Updated: 29th January. The deadline has passed so we have disabled the form below.

Monday, 19 January 2009

APP/A4710/A/07/2090865 – main application
APP/A4710/E/08/2092500 – demolition of retaining wall

I oppose these appeals and planning applications because:

Please tick all the boxes where you agree with the objection; if you don’t agree leave blank

I support the reasons for refusal by Calderdale Council Planning Committee on 29th September 2008 (contrary to UDP GBE1, BE1, BE18-19 and PPG13/15).

The proposals will provide little nett additional public parking – when a larger  amount can be provided by other means more easily – but will require an excessive amount of  development and additional private parking to fund, and thus will generate more  traffic. The form of parking (2 level basement, and stacker) is inappropriate to Hebden Bridge.

The scale of the development is excessive, the design is inappropriate, and will have an adverse impact on the Hebden Bridge Conservation Area.

The Hebden Bridge community were not consulted adequately about the development scheme, or their consultation objections were ignored.

The development will have an adverse effect on the adjacent residential properties and businesses (UDP BE2).

The development provides an inadequate amount of affordable housing.
The development may not be feasible, and the construction period lengthy and disruptive to the small town centre – so there would be a significant adverse impact on existing businesses and access to the town.

Add your own views if you wish. Please write thoughtfully and politely!




See also

No to Garden Street website

Hebweb Garden Street Feature