Summer school of rock - Calder Rocks Monday, 15 June 2009 Calder Rocks is the brain child of veteran rocker and music tutor, Brian Acton, who now lives in Calderdale after a decade of touring all over the western world. The idea is to get 50 young musicians together and create 10 new bands for the week. Seven tutors will be giving talks, tutorials and sharing their experiences of life on and off stage. The bands will spend the week rehearsing, writing and learning some of the skills necessary to be in a band. "This is a totally unique summer school. Yes, there are other rock schools around the country, but none that actually bring musicians together for the first time to create bands. This might be the first time these kids have had the thrill of playing in a group, and for the more experienced among them, a chance to get some real advice from seasoned musos and develop their skills. It's a kind of boot camp for bands." The Summer school starts on the 24th August and runs for 5 days, but the big event is the gig two days later in the Trades Club in Hebden Bridge ... the 'Sunday Service' where all the kids have a chance to rock out in front of a live audience of parents, friends and their peers. "It's going to be an afternoon show so that everyone can attend. We hope to see friends and relatives turn up to see what happens when we take the stage. I would like to see some rock monsters come out to play! Who knows?. Maybe we'll even see the stars of the future, or make a live album!" says Brian. The summer school costs £170, but if you feel this is a bit of a stretch, there are funding bodies who are excited about the project and who are willing to assist. More news on the website soon. Application forms are available for download at