Work starts in Calder Holmes Park

Thursday, 13 September 2007

The pavilion in Calder Holmes Park received such much needed TLC this Tuesday. Organised by Hebden Royd Town Council, with help from the ATC and the Friends of Calder Holmes Park a team of 20 volunteers from the Deloitte office in Leeds have helped to clear the pavilion.

The pavilion was given a thorough clean and the debris removed from site with what could be being recycled. Some of the rooms inside have received a lick of paint and the exterior has received an undercoat. The kickboards have also been painted at one end of the football pitch.

As with many projects like this not all the work has been completed so more helping hands are required, volunteers can contact me and hopefully in the next 2/3 weeks we'll be able to finish off the kick pitch and the outside of the pavilion.

Many thanks for this news to Jason Boom
Environmental Community Warden

See also

Hebweb News: Friends of the Park

Hebweb Forum: Friends of Calder Holmes

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