Library to move to Vale Centre
Posted by A Wobble ( on February 10, 2001 at 13:18:02:
So - HB library is to move. It would seem that a venue has been chosen BEFORE local consultation. The Vale Centre has been proposed as ideal. However - has everyone forgotten that it recently flooded? It has no flood defence. Please show your 100 metre swimming certificate on entry. The present location is convenient being both central and adjacent to a main bus-stop. Vale Centre isn't. It has a CAR PARK - let's encourage people to drive to library! Not a good idea - the junction at Stubbing Wharf Road and Burnley Rd is narrow, obscured and dangerous. Also, this car park is already full, plus the developers of the Old Dyeworks on the canal have apparently been granted a licence to use this as car parking to enable them to get planning approval for their hare-brained residential conversion using public Rural Development funds. Also - Did anyone notice that the Scrapyard next door to the Vale Centre has applied to have more lorries? The scrappy already has problems parking their vehicles and at present uses the Vale Centre car park and the double yellows on the road outside. Oh yes, and the new mantra - Cyber Cafe - All the time this subject gets mentions - remember the Dyeworks? Why not leave this to the people who are already doing it for real. (Java Lounge, etc)