Re: Castle Carr access
Posted by glyn hughes
( on January 08, 2001 at 22:22:13:
In Reply to: Re: Castle Carr access posted by GLYN HUGHES on January 08, 2001 at 22:15:04:
: : Does anyone have any information about access to the old Castle Carr site and the gardens which are still fantastic when in bloom. I had a major run in with a farmer/gamekeeper over the bank holiday weekend with threats of violence if I did not 'get lost'. His wife tried to set the dogs on me. I like to hear about any similar experiences or from anyone who has other information. the oldest route over the moors (and the one probably followed by e.g. branwell bronte) went straight passed castle carr. the present day bypass footpath around it is in my view not, in a traditional sense, legitimate. on the other hand, it does avoid a valley that has been throughly desecrated from victorian times right up to the present day. Castle Carr is an awful, ugly place, best avoided by anyone with a sense of the sacred in landscape. I am not surprised it spawned the hounds of hell.