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Lindsey Rimer - still no arrest

[ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ HB Web - discussion and comment ] [ Josh Greenwood on February 19, 1999 at 11:20:33:

In today’s HB Times, a front page article reminds us that Lindsey Rimer would have been 18 this week. She was murdered 4-5 years ago. What the article didn’t include was any details of the police investigation. Have they come to a dead end? Why no arrests?

Last night I watched the 2 hour very moving documentary on the murder of Stephen Lawrence. The police, for whatever motives, completely bungled the investigation. How do we know that the same bungling hasn’t gone on with the investigation into the murder of Lindsey Rimer?

Teachers are subject to inspection. Doctors are going to be. What about the police? If the Lawrence family hadn’t persisted, we wouldn’t know that police had been incompetent. There may be good reasons why no arrest has been made, but how do we know? Why haven’t they caught Lindsey’s murderer? Maybe, it’s time for a fresh team to take over the investigation.