Re: Former Royal Navy Ship mates

Posted by Sonia Stott Tanney ( on June 26, 2000 at 14:25:09:

In Reply to: Former Royal Navy Ship mates posted by JOHN BROWN on December 23, 1999 at 03:38:58:

: I am trying to contact former ship mates of mine who came from the Hebden Bridge area.Terry (lofty)Dewhurst.He was involved with the boy scouts.Also William (WillIe) Broadbent HE had something to do with the local newspaper. The ships we served in where H.M.S OCean,H.M.S.Lanton, H.M.S. Cumberland during the mid 50s. This is John(lofty) Brown Who has been livng in sunny southern California for the past 33 years looking. I was in town about 11 years ago annd couldnt find you guys maybe this will do it .


My name is Sonia Stott Tanney. I have been trying
to find my dads mates from the Korean War. He servied
on the Ocean as well as other aircraft carriers.
I have the exact date served at home.I have several
questions for his mates as I can not
ask my dad he past away 20 years ago.

Has any one heard of GEORGE WILLIAM STOTT.
Stationary Engineer.

My father originates out of Rachdale, Lancashire,
England. He still has family in that area. I'm in Canada
along with my brother Kevin Stott.

I you know my dad or know of any of his mates please do not hesitate to
contact me.

I remember one nickname of one of his mates
it is "Sweeney".

I also have several photos of this time period.
If your interseted i can scan and send some of them.

Sonia Stott Tanney