In Reply to: My geography coursework... posted by Leanne Holt on June 05, 2000 at 21:14:25:
: I am a year 10 student studying Geography and for a coursework question I have been asked to research and answer the following question; Does hebden bridge need a bypass?
: On June 16th My class and I (Haberghmam high School, Burnley), will be visiting Hebden Bridge on a fieldwork study and if any of you could give me some background information first or your own personal thoughts about a bypass I would be very grateful for your comments because it will get me ahead with my research.
: Thankyou!
: Leanne Holt
Hello Its an interesting thought but when you visit try and think where a bypass would go..and how much damage it would do to the scenery..trees etc
Good luck with the project.