If you're interested in all things digital then there's a great opportunity at the Dyeworks. A company is to be formed called hebdenvillage.com to develop 7 hi-tech businesses serviced by a cybercafe bistro (a dotcom incubator!). We have in mind broadband network operator, internet service provider, home shopping and delivery, program-making, web design, business process, financial services, web-casting (television & radio for Hebden!
This is a complex business plan in the making and we need a group of key people from marketing through financial, human resources to management, experienced preferably but gotta have the right motivation.
Business mission - create a local communications business for Hebden providing a free telephone calls. Ultimately, if we can make this consumer-to-business model work on a local scale, it can be rolled out UK-wide & create employment for an aweful lot of people, many of whom will be in Hebden.
Lots more info available privately - If we can show that Hebden consumers can get together online for their purchases, all their purchases, other communities will want to do just the same. It's about time we turned the tables and did our own thing as against accepting the meagre (& expensive) pickings off the corporate table.
Oh, need good business planners, presentation people coz we need to put together applications to local business angels, various government (DTI) initiatives including the Information & Communications Technologies Learning Centres initiative.
This is all very bitty . . .it'll get better
Last thing . . . . 49% of hebdenvillage.com is available to key personnel and joint-venture partners and we're looking at a valuation in 18months to 2 years of £2-3m. If we go UK-wide, who knows what the valuation would be.
That should do - I'll keep you posted.