From Richard Easton and Steve Mackay Does anyone know what's going on here? Where you should be able to get through towards Walkleys from Hebden has been blocked by a barrier, a security guarded hut, and heaps of excavated mud and trees. From Andy Thompson After hearing of the report of the blocked cycle path I made my way straight there to investigate. A contractor working on behalf of Network Rail has created a small compound across the cycleway whilst the dig a drainage inspection chamber. The work will take between 2-3 weeks, and I am promised the surface will be reinstated to a good standard. There is a route for the public past the work. Both pedestrians and cyclists can pass with the minimal of inconvenience. Please don't stop using it. Andy Thompson From William H Perhaps Andy Thompson would also like to comment on the blockage of the cycle path on tipside, Todmorden where it should go under the railway arches. This has not been possible for some time now because the motor garage claims there is no right of access and has blocked it off with railings. The cyclists now have to negotiate the busy bus station (not allowed by Metro) or illegally use the footpath. If the route is now not going to connect with the path at the side of the Abraham Ormerod Clinic, it makes one wonder why all the cobbles were removed from here in order to build the retaining wall and tarmac laid where the attractive cobbles used to be, without notice in a Conservation Area. From David C Andy says the contractor promised that the path would be 'reinstated to a good standard'. In fact, it has been left as a muddy, rocky mess. This cycle route is getting worse and worse, and nobody seems to be responsible for its maintenance.