From Lou From Joseph S We got some realy good steers from the Hebweb on the most efective way of objecting to this proposal before Christmas. It seems to have gone a bit quiet here, though I notice that the deadline seems to be 28th January. Can i assume that those who know it better than me know whats going on and the best way to do this? I'm conscious that emailing the planning team saying "its just too big" might not be enough. From Anthony Rae I'm away from Hebden at the moment but the answer to the question is that the Garden Street Action Group will shortly be providing advice as to how to submit your views to the Inquiry online, and grounds for objection. We've been speaking to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol to make sure we understood their rules, and have also been discussing the objections with planning consultants. I hope the advice will be available by Monday, and you'll find it both on Hebweb and www.notogardenstreet.org.uk From Anthony Rae You can now object online here; an explanation of the opportunity to object is here. And this also features on the Action Group website: www.notogardenstreet.org.uk All objections have to be posted or sent electronically by next Weds 28th January Your comments go direct to the independent Inspector of the Public Inquiry. Update: The number of Online Objections is fast approaching 50, with lots of thoughtful personal comments. Thanks for this and if you haven't already objected please consider doing so - just click on the links above. You've got to next Wednesday 28th January. All the other aspects of preparing for the public inquiry are going well as we await the announcement of the date.