From Laura W They may be low energy and politically correct but they aren't exactly festive looking are they? More gloomy, harsh and forbidding, reminiscent of the blue lights at the entrance to police stations. They certainly serve the purpose of helping to focus the mind on the grim prospect of eco catastrophe. They actually make one prefer to be in Sowerby Bridge. Can't we celebrate any more? Apart from the nice traditional, christmassy local traders lights around the shops we might just as well not have any. The winter solstice festival was supposed to be a festival of light wasn't it? Rebirth of the sun and all that. Warm, glowing, cheerful? Or is it just me that responds to bright primary colours in this way? From Joseph S I think they look lovely. Well done to all involved, more white and blue and the tree is great too. I'm sure there was a thread last year saying "whats with all of these garish lights can't we have something a little nicer." Those in charge must be rolling their eyes in a damned if we do or if we don't kind of way.