From Glyn Hughes Has anyone ever seen an attempt to park on the bridge? I haven't, having lived in or known Hebden Bridge well since 1971. What is it about Councils (not just ours) that makes them often so crass? From Tim B I've never seen anyone attempt to park on the bridge itself - but then no double yellows are proposed here. I have seen, and been inconvenienced by, vehicles parking infront of the gates to the Hole in the Wall. This is where the doulble yellows are going (by the looks of the markings). This inconsiderate parking has been exaserbated by the parking restrictions so people are looking for free places to park. The cobbled area of the bridge bridge and area infront of the Hole in the Wall is all public highway. I support the Council in trying to stop people parking here as it will improve the area for pedestrians. I have no objection to the pub tables being in this area as they provide a useful amenity. A few vehicles trying to evade cheap parking fees, and inconveniencing many pedestrians and push chair users, benefits very few. From Janice S There is a way around the need to paint yellow lines on the approach to the bridge: "A Restricted Zone, which is relatively uncommon, is an area with heritage status where it is considered necessary to keep carriageway and roadside signs to a minimum. A council wishing to establish a Restricted Zone must obtain authorisation from the Department for Transport, permitting them to erect signs indicating entry to the Restricted Zone, throughout which a uniform restriction applies prohibiting waiting at all times. They are also required to put up smaller roadside plates throughout the zone "in sufficient numbers to give adequate information to road users of the waiting restrictions in force....". The usual double yellow lines are then unnecessary." Perhaps the Council should look into this. From Andrew H It will verge on vandalism if yellow lines are painted on any cobbles either leading to or over the bridge. This appears to be a case of some council jobsworth reading some generic guidelines and not having the ability or inclination to challenge the guidance. There are other similar cases appearing in and around Calderdale. For example, an extremely ugly roadsign has appeared on Heptonstall's Townfield Lane informing drivers that a 20mph zone has become a 30mph zone. The 30mph zone in question is an un-adopted rough track that is technically a footpath. Anybody doing more than 10mph down the lane risks the complete distruction of their suspension at best. These actions are a complete waste of time and waste of taxpayers money. However, it is the complete disregard of the locality and surroundings that is of most concern. Perhaps Anthony Rae could form "The pointless roadsign and markings Action Group" following his recent success! From Glyn Hughes A better-looking prevention of parking (though not needed) might be a stone around 2 feet high, placed in the centre of the bridge entrances on either side. From Graham West Amongst numerous other well deserved accolades, Hebden Bridge is becoming famous for its ability to grow and nurture stone and metal bollards. Calderdale could easily solve the problem of errant vehicle owners parking their vehicles on the bridge by simply planting another bollard - or two (after consulting with Brussels of course). Much better than garish yellow lines. From Janice S I emailed Calderdale Council to complain about this and got a very helpful reply from Nigel Pickles. The first lot of temporary "setting out" lines were considered unacceptable, and the final lines won't encroach any closer to the bridge than the start of the longest "wing wall". I checked and there are new setting out lines which won't encroach on the bridge as much. The lines themselves will be the narrower, softer yellow type. Although it would be possible to have the area declared a restricted zone, this would involve having fairly large signs showing where the zone began and ended, and apparently motorists have problems understanding the signs. Since many motorists don't seem to be able to understand the 20 mph limit signs, I can believe that some have problems understanding parking signs.