From Jason Elliott I currently have an exhibition running at the Alternative Technology Centre showing my tongue in cheek vision of what the town may look like in 25 years time if Climate Change carries on unabated. (See www.climatepics.org). The exhibition finishes at the end of January so I am looking for suggestions about where the pictures should go after this. Although I have other exhibitions lined up elsewhere for later in 2008, they are all location specific so will need new images. One suggestion so far has been at the station (in the waiting room) but I am open to other ideas too. It just seems a shame to stash them in my studio. There are about 20 images in frames that measure 70cm by 50cm. Any ideas? Posted by Jack Hughes There are a number of cafes and bars you could try - Nelson's Wine Bar and Coffee Cali seem keen on displaying the endeavours of local artists and photographers, and there are doubtless others who might oblige.