From Felicity Potter I saw with horror the new "improved" pedestrian route to and from the station through the park. Instead of a straight flat path we have an whimsical twisty-turny up-and-down-hill effort out of an old-fashioned nursery-rhyme book. What fun! How creative! Has the person who designed it ever had to carry or trundle luggage to and from the station? Have they heard of elderly people? The Calder Valley Renaissance document described the old path as "tortuous". They must have been thinking of the new one. The only sensible route to the station through the park now is the cycle track which is often muddy - so what's next? Upgrade the cycle track for pedestrians or restore the old route? From F. Wilson Not just that. It also has no anti-slip coating. That means that anyone who has difficulty walking on ice on a flat surface is going to love that path in the winter. The response to my question to Hebden Royd about this elicited the following response: "As far as I am away (sic) the the path surface conforms with standard highways As Private Eye often says "So that's all right then". Take care!