From Patsy Hello all - We have Danish guests arriving for a visit starting March 17th and one of their requests is to be taken to a St Patrick's Night celebration. Can anyone suggest anywhere (closer than Manchester, and hopefully in HB) where we can hear some lively Irish music? From John Thomas The Albert in Hebden Bridge usually has a Paddy's night. From Richard The Bronte Cruise boat on the Marina is celebrating St. Patrick's Day, and I believe that they are organising some live Irish music / a big pot of Irish stew on the boat from 8-10pm. From Brian Garner I would have recommended Huddersfield, but strangely their St Patrick's Day Parade took place today, with revelries yesterday also. There is a St Patricks Night 'do' on at the Trades Club next Saturday evening. It might be worth phoning the Irish Centre in Halifax (01422 360134) if you're looking for something authentic. i.e. with Irish people there! From Patsy Re: all your suggestions as to where we could take our Danish friends on the 17th. We took them to two of the places suggested and a good time was had by all! Many thanks - Patsy XX