From Andrew Hall There's a lot of good news and a bit of bad on the transport front. From Brian Garner . . . but unfortunately, the extra hourly service will run only between 10am and 3pm, which is fine for Christmas shoppers, but not of benefit to commuters. Oh, well, I suppose any public transport improvement is better than none. From Andy C Yep good news for the already fairly well catered for people who travel within West Yorkshire. Meanwhile on the other platform us poor sods get two carriages (packed to the gills, standing room only) on the half hour, if we're lucky. 'Spose it's our fault for having the temerity to venture through the Summit tunnel and across to "the other side". No hard feelings though. From Andrew Hall Actually, Brian, you've picked up the Halifax Courier's misinformation on this. Admittedly, there's not much good news for morning commuters, the first new service being at 9.40, but I understand that there will be services from Hebden hourly thereafter up to 16.40, then 18.23 and finally 19.40. It was never likely to be better than this, simply because this service is making use of rolling stock that otherwise would be standing idle -something that would not be the case during the morning commuting period. Comment has already been made about the new service not serving Tod. This is unlikely to ever happen, owing to pathing/timing issues, and the lack of a crossover at Tod (ie a track arrangement allowing trains to move from the up line to the down line and vice versa).