![]() Crow Nest plansPosted by Lesley Jones I assume that everyone is now aware of the revised plans (no 06/01144/FUL) submitted for Crow Nest. I hope that any of you that would dismiss these as not being important, think carefully about the impact of a development of this size on the environment, our schools, our doctors and road and highway safety. In Hebden Bridge we have already gained a significant number of additional dwellings - Croft Mill, Catholic Church, Brunswick Mill, Pecket Well Mill, Salem Mill, Walkleys Mill in the pipeline - need I go on? The plans state that trees will be lost. The road is unmade and single track on both exits. Palace House Road is unsuitable for the additional traffic which will come through at increased speeds. This road is effectively single track for much of the way due to double yellow lines and parked cars. In addition the bridge over the river towards Mayroyd is unsuitable for existing volume of traffic and any increase will surely compromise the safety of this bridge. The road and bridge do not appear to be maintained by anybody so who will be responsible should this development be allowed? The drawings show three blocks of flats which tower above the existing Crow Nest House. They look hideous and more in keeping with a city centre and not a rural/woodland setting. Even though the original 90 has been reduced to 60, this would result in a dramatic overintensification of this site and totally inappropriate to the woodland surroundings. Objections have to be submitted to Calderdale by the 22nd June 2006 and can be made on line. I will be cotacting Calderdale tomorrow to see why the notices went up with only 14 days objection period instead of the statutory 21 days. Finally, I would be pleased to hear from any cyclists/horseriders who use the track through to Fallingroyd to contact me as we need to protect this route. Whilst not technically a bridleway, it has been used as such for over 20 years and the danger is that this facility (which keeps riders/cyclists off the main road) will be lost. Posted by Christine I only noticed this one slipping in under the net after reading the forum. I have sent an objection in but after seeing the some of the other houses getting planning permission in Hebden Bridge my fear is my objection isn't going to do much good. Well I tried. Posted by Andy Objections to this plan can be made up to June 30 2006 so you still have a week people. This WAS a ridiculous scheme when 90 residential units were proposed last year, IS a ridiculous scheme at 60 residential units, and no doubt will be a ridiculous scheme when the planners come back with 40 units next year (Call me a cynic but you know how these things work). This planning application should be strongly opposed for the reasons Lesley has outlined above. The current scheme has parking for 70 cars! Oppose this scheme by June 30 2006 Posted by Cath G Hi we are applying to have a path upgraded from a footpath to a public bridlepath. This path runs from Carr Lane, Hebden Bridge near to the old Walkey Clogs mill through the woods known as Crow Nest on to Fairfield, Palace House Road. All the relevant documents have been served onto the owners of the land/track and the application has been sent through to Calderdale. What we need is for as many people as possible to complete the relevant forms. This is an important track to local people it runs through a beautiful wooded area and we believe if we can get this track upgraded it will prevent all these flats been built on the land. If anyone has either ridden a horse walked or ridden a cycle through these woods please contact us. I personally have used this track on foot and on horseback for over 20 years. I do not see why I or others should be prevented from using it in the future. Please support our campaign we can be contacted on 01422 846883 Cath or 01422 844196 Lesley. Posted by Lesley Jones I can only endorse what Cath has said today and request that if you are in a position to help, please contact us as soon as possible. The land at Crow Nest is bordered by a track which, although designated as a footpath on the definitive map, has for many, many years also been used by horseriders, cylists and walkers as one of the few safe car-free routes gaining access to Mytholmroyd from Hebden Bridge and vice versa. Any development of this land, either now or in the future, could well compromise future free access to this route. However, as part of the process it is necessary to prove that a long term definitive use by horses has been established and we need to provide written evidence to this effect. In order to present as strong case as possible we need to find as many people as possible who are able to confirm that the track has been used, particularly by horses, over a significant period of time and who are prepared to sign a declaration to that effect. It can simply be enough to say that horses have been seen to use the track over a number of years even if you yourself are not a rider. This appeal is to everyone who has an interest in protecting our town and surrounding area, and in particular those who are keen to ensure that safe access to the countryside is available to all. We would welcome contact from anyone who is able to state that they have been aware of the use of this track as a bridleway over as long a period as possible. Evidence we have already proves that this has been the assumed use for many, many years but to strengthen the case we do need written evidence from as many people as possible. Posted by Lesley Jones Thanks to the 85+ of you who responded to our appeal to register with Calderdale, formal objections to the application for the construction of 60 flats at Crow Nest. You will now know that the Appeal against the refusal of the original application for 90 flats is to be heard in Halifax Town Hall next Wednesday (the 6th). At the same time the Inspector will consider a Notice of Non Determination of the 60 flat application. Cllr Nader Fekri is going to attend the Inquiry on behalf of objectors and has asked me to arrange an informal meeting to ensure that his representations are as comprehensive as possible. If anyone is able to spare an hour or so on Sunday at 4:30 we would be pleased to see you at 76 Palace House Road. Thanks Posted by Lesley Jones This week we have heard that the Appeal against Calderdale's refusal for the 90 units at Crow Nest has been dismissed. In addition, the application for the 60 units that the Inspector had been asked to determine was also turned down. See also: Hebweb News - earlier plans thrown out, July 2005 Previous discussion - May 2005