The Hebden Bridge Web wrote to the four main candidates asking them for a statement explaining why voters in the Calder Valley ward should give them their vote. Click here for more more Hebweb election info and candidates
Paul Palmer, Green
Local Green Party candidate Paul Palmer has come forward to stand in the forthcoming 2005 General Election with only weeks to go before Election Day. Calder Valley and Hebden Bridge resident Paul was chosen to stand and is determined that the electorate should have the chance to vote for a Green candidate on the big day of 5th May.
A green voice is badly needed, and there are many local people concerned about green issues already working positively to promote the environment who deserve the extra representation he could bring, it's very exciting.
Born in North Lincolnshire, father Paul age 42 and an Ex Royal Navy Engineer, was involved in the Falklands War in 1982 and after his experience quickly realized that war must be the absolute last resort to resolve conflict of any kind and is now leaning toward pacifism.
He moved to London in 1983 where he worked in Environmental Control Systems for buildings and became interested in Environmental Issues, he joined and campaigned for GreenPeace in the mid 80's and was involved in "reclaim the streets" then moved to Leeds in 1996 to work at Yorkshire Television as an IT systems Support Analyst. Paul then spent a period of time in hospital following a serious motorcycle accident which left him bed bound for months and experiencing the traumas of time spent in an NHS hospital.
Paul founded a not-for-profit Internet Services Venture called Green ISP which promotes the awareness of environmental issues. Paul has recently installed a Solar (Photo-Voltaic) electricity generating system which can produce approximately one third of the power for the house.
Has been involved in local community environmental campaigns over the last 12 months in and around the Calder Valley. He has lived and worked in West Yorkshire on and off for the last 8 years.
The local Green Party believes the region really needs more affordable and sustainable housing and improved public transport, as well as promoting the wider issues of tackling climate change through renewable energy, and opposing globalisation in favour of supporting local shops, producers and services which keeps jobs and money local too.
"There are some excellent green projects and groups in the Calder Valley such as Treesponsibility, the Alternative Technology Centre, Yorkshire Renewable Energy Network and Kerbside recycling which are an inspiration to us all. I hope to be able to play my part in promoting and encouraging these kinds of local enterprises that can make a real difference to quality of life and our environment."
Email Paul Palmer - more info
