The Hebden Bridge Web wrote to the four main candidates asking them for a statement explaining why voters in the Calder Valley ward should give them their vote. Click here for more more Hebweb election info and candidates
Chris McCafferty, Labour
"I believe that Labour has delivered enormous improvements over the past eight years. A strong and successful economy has meant we have been able to deliver better public services, with more spending on health and schools, more police, a national minimum wage, tax credits to help hard working families and more money for pensioners.
"But there is a lot more that needs to be done. Labour is fighting this election on a positive programme to take Britain forward, building on a strong economy to create a fairer society. The Tories will take us back to cuts in public services and a boom and bust economy that only helps the privileged few.
"Calder Valley will be one of the key battlegrounds, where the choice will be straight forward between a Tory who has been parachuted in to follow Michael Howard's agenda, against my own record as a local Member of Parliament who has been willing to speak out for Calder Valley when it has been necessary."
Having made my home in Calderdale more than thirty years ago, I am proud to have represented you as your Member of Parliament, and proud of what we have achieved together.
Now I want us to continue to build a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success, and where Britain's families get the modern healthcare, education, child care services, they need and on a fair and equal basis.
We can build on economic stability, with a million new homeowners and jobs, a rising minimum wage for the low paid and rising living standards for all. And we can take our National Health Service forward, building the hospitals we need, investing in the new cures and treatments available and making sure the National Health Service becomes the best and fairest health care system in the world.
Email Chris McCafferty - more info
